
What's my style?

I love taking quizzes in hopes of learning something about myself, whether it be about personality, compatibility, or as is this case, design style. I think that a person can never know too much about themselves and what makes them tick. Anyhoo, I found this quiz from Homegoods via Young House Love and went for it. I had taken the Ethan Allen quiz a while back and while it was totally off, this one hit the nail on the head.

Drumroll please....

Although I am not so sure if I would classify myself as "country," I wasn't really surprised about the "eclectic." My house is definitely hodge podge, with all types of elements, including a few country bits thrown in. So, maybe I am little bit country...who knew?

I would definitely say that one of my biggest problems is unifying a space. For some reason or another, I seem to get everyone's hand-me-downs. While I love getting something that has a story (i.e. free), I don't always have a place in my home for it, and most often, I spend my time moving it from one room to another, instead of getting rid of it altogether. That is how I think my back bedroom got in its current state of loveliness.

Our house sometimes feels like a revolving door, not how I intended for it to be, but none-the-less, we often have dropper-byers. While sometimes it can be daunting, I try not to stress about it because most often the unexpected can end up being the most fun. While reading these tips, I realized that I already have most of them in place.

I CANNOT stand harsh over-head lighting. It really makes every line, zit, cowlick, or unplucked eyebrow stand out, not to mention making my lovely, ivory hued skin look like I died three deaths. So, I have always been a huge fan of mood-lighting, much to my husband's dismay.

I also always try to have a candle burning in our home, usually in our kitchen. It just evokes a warm, happy home to me, and I hope that others feel the same way. One of the best compliments I ever received was a few weeks ago, when a friend came over and said that our house still smelled the same. I asked her what she meant and she said that it smelled like a home, our home. Lovely, I thought!

As for the next two tips, I only recently started keeping items on hand, and it really has helped out when people unexpectedly stop by.

All in all, I thought it was interesting and felt like it really described me and my home's aesthetic, which is summed up in this print that I ordered a while ago from etsy. Check it out here:

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