
Santa can you hear me?

Dear Santa,

With Christmas just days away, and me in utter and complete panic mode, I really could use some elves' help. You see, awhile ago I opened my big fat mouth and offered to host Christmas at my house. Oh baby Jesus, WHATWASITHINKING?!?

Now I am just wishing, and hoping, and thinking, and praying that it will hurry up and go away. I know, bad Christmas spirit.

But if you would be so kind as to send some help, I am sure we can whip my house into holiday shape in no time. Even though you are the master of all things Christmas, I took the liberty of pulling a few ideas out of my hat.

Please, dear Santa, for the love of Mrs. Claus, HELP!

p.s. If it's not too much to ask, could you throw in some snow as well...

No? What about sleet?

Come on Santa, Bring.it.on!

All pics found here.

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